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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Getting The Best Price For Your Used Car

You can get the best price for your used car only when a new care of the same model is being sold at the highest price. If a manufacturer gives discounted prices for a new car of the same model, you can’t sell your car at the best price. In other words, the best time to sell your used car is when the prices for the model you have are at the highest. Hence the important factor that affects the price of a used car is the price of a new car of that model you own. So it is better to wait until the price of a new car of your model goes up rather than selling it when the manufacturer gives discounts for a new car of your model.Preparing your car for selling it is a must. You have to consider what the potential buyer thinks of your car. So you have to maintain the interior and the exteriors of your car properly. If your car is not clean inside and out, the potential buyer may not think positively about your car. This simple issue might make you lose a possible deal. Therefore proper maintenance of your car is essential to fetch a good price for your used car. Some people might overlook some serious problems in the car if the car looks shiny and glowing. Touch up scratches on the exterior and interior. Make up the small dents in it. Balance the tires properly. Clean inside and out. This might fetch you a profitable deal.The price of your car should take into consideration the mileage and the condition of the car. You might also consider the demand for that model. Cars that have run for more miles are often not preferred and they are considered ‘used up’. Hence most of the people prefer cars that have run for fewer miles per year. Usually a potential buyer would consider the price that you have fixed for your car as the asking price and he would negotiate the price. It is always better to have a margin of 5f the price that you want to sell so that your can negotiate that 5 .

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