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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

What You Should Never Do When Shopping For A New Car

There are many things that you don't want to see an automobile dealership do to you as a buyer, but there are some things that you should not do as well, if you don't want to alienate the dealer. Here is a list of "don'ts" that you should abide by if you are really looking to get a good new or used car deal. Don't try to pull one over on the dealer by lying about the condition of your trade in vehicle. It is just a lie that you can't get away with, and could cause many cost increases later. Don't bother looking for a car that will require financing if you have had a recent bankruptcy because you will not get an auto loan approved anyway. Don't give the automobile dealership a deposit and then try to take it back for no reason because you should have researched the car before making the purchase. You can also lose money on the return. Don't bother lying about your debt load and credit rating because they will check it anyway. Don't offer any money for a car unless you already know the dealer cost because you are setting yourself up to get ripped off. If you will follow the tips above when buying a new or used car, the rest of your negotiations will go much smoother. One more thing you should not do that is not part of the negotiation with the salesperson, and that is, don't forget the cost of automobile insurance. Many new car purchasers have been shocked with the cost of insurance for that perfect car. That high powered red Mustang convertable might seem cool for a 19 year old college student, until he (or his dad) has to pay the insurance bill. More than one teenage driver has found themselves caught in the circular trap of needing a car to get to the job that they need to have to pay for the car and the auto insurance. I'm sure that teenagers are not the only ones that find themselves in this position as people try to keep up with their contemporaries. The same holds true for a car's gasoline consumption and maintenance costs. While SUV's are a fad now, unless you really need such a vehicle, you will find that the gas and maintenance costs can be substantial. When shopping for a used car, be sure to research the safety and maintenance records of different models. You can find this type of information in magazines such as Consumer Reports or insurance company publications. So be sure that the car you buy is within your means, including the cost of insurance, gas and maintenance.

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